
Contestant Spotlight #2

Time for another Spotlight!!
Here's the lovely lady we lost last week, 
Gina at the Shabby Chic Cottage!

Q- What is your favorite room in your house?
A- My living room. It's not finished yet, but that is where I spend 99.9% of my time with my family.

 Q- What is your most popular project on your blog?
A-Wow! That's a toss up! It's probably either the Pottery Barn knock off lamp or How to make a chalkboard from a window. Both get hits every day. [To see her amazing lamp which she posted on her farewell from SYTYCD CLICK HERE. scroll down just a tad to see it.]

Q- Describe your decorating style in 3 words or less
A-Vintage Modern Cottage (as if you can be both Vintage and Modern!)

Q- Do you have a favorite "piece" in your house?
A- Probably my huge 4 ft. carved crown over my fireplace. My husband made it for me and it is absolutely stunning.

Q- By day you are an artist by night you're a couch potato

And thank you sooooo much to everyone for your sweet comments, for stopping by the cottage and all the wonderful emails! It was a blast playing along!

Gina we sure do miss you! This lady's blog is FULL of amazing projects so be sure to stop by! You won't want to miss it!

See you Saturday for this week's results! 
this post brought to you by 
YesterYears Jewels


  1. Gina, I love your style and look forward to following along on your blog. It was an honor to be included alongside you for this contest.


  2. That was fun! It was great peeking into your world a little deeper Gina. I'm loving that vignette with the clock. Wow. And I can see why the window gets hits daily. Very cool idea!


  3. Wow Gina!! Lovely things and great ideas!!

  4. Gina,
    I will be following you! With all your great ideas!
    smiles, alice
