
Results from Week 2

What a week!!

This week our winner is receiving a beautiful necklace from YesterYears Jewels!
YesterYears Jewels has a beautiful Etsy shop FILLED to the brim with gorgeous handmade jewelry! Hop on over and check it out!

Thank you YesterYears Jewels for sponsoring this beautiful prize! 

So who will win the above mentioned necklace?
The winner is...... (drumroll please....)

once again! With their lovely Mismatched dining room!

They received 432 votes (18%)

and the RUNNER UP is........
with her awesome BINGO BOARD!
She received 250 Votes with 12% of the votes.

Now comes the time to say goodbye to yet another contestant. :(
I am in complete shock over this one....
Amy at WhisperWood Cottage will be leaving the compeition :(
She is hands down one of my favorite blogs in all of blogland and one of the first people I asked on board. I'm soooooo sad that she has to leave!

Here she is introducing to us next week's theme: "OLD"
(after seeing the following post, you will no doubt feel as despressed as I do)

AMY- take it away

A salvaged school door paired with a set of salvaged barn flat track equals the new doorway to my walk-in closet!  I have never been more excited about decorating as I was when we started the makeover of our master bedroom. This door is one of the reasons! And it's mine, all mine! [cue maniacal laughter here]

The Door. I found the door last summer at the garage sale of my friend, Sue@JunkMarket Style. It was a project in Sue's house that inspired me to do this in my own house (she is a never-ending source of inspiration for me!). It turns out that Sue had gotten the door from my other friend, Cammie@Daffadowndilly's, a few years back. Cammie had rescued it from a building remodel on the Wayne State College campus in Wayne, NE. How cool is that?! 
The Barn Flat Track. When Ron mentioned to his dad that we were looking for some flat track to hang some doors we had found, he said, "What about the tracks from Amy's parents?" I didn't know what he was talking about. My parents had torn down a dilapidated barn (circa late 1800s) several years ago. During that process, Ron's dad came to take the wood so that he can make mirrors and frames, etc. Turns out that he had also grabbed the flat track and rollers. They ended up in Ron's parents' shed...awaiting someone like me to put them to use! It was meant to be! THE PROCESS
We had to give the door a bit of TLC using a scraper followed by a treatment with tung oil. Then we measured out where the rollers would go. We pre-drilled the holes and mounted the rollers to the door. After mounting the track to the wall, we simply lifted the door into place. THE FINAL RESULT

For me, this door is a perfect piece of jewelry for the room. It is beautiful, functional, and full of character. For more photos, information about the process, or to see the matching door on the entry to the master bath, please visit us at WhisperWood Cottage!

 Amy, we love you and thank you so very much for being apart of So You Think You Can Decorate!!!

See you all tomorrow night for Week 3! 
We'll also be having a giveaway for all you lovely viewers from The Rusted Chain so you won't want to miss it!


  1. Get out!!! That is dreamy! Seriously...talk about inspiration! That room went from ho-hum to magical. So sorry to see her go. :(

  2. That is awesome! I'm sorry that you're leaving - I'll bet you would have won this week!

  3. Oh Boo. This is indeed sad. Everyone is so good that no one should have to go. Love that sliding door!

  4. I can not believe you are leaving! That door is so outstanding! It is just what I want!!!!
    I follow your blog as I know tons of others do too.
    smiles, alice

  5. :( i voted for amy in the the last challenge because I really admired the way she deconstructed each piece of her inspiration photo and described how she incorporated each element, very sad to see her go.

  6. Wow! I'm with you . . . I am completely shocked. Amy has AMAZING style. I love her and her blog, so I think it will be a loss for the contest not to see more of what she can do. Again, just totally shocked :(

  7. There is so much talent in this little competition/game.
    I too voted for Amy and am sad to see her go. LOVE that door and the difference it made to the room.

  8. Congrats once again, All Things Thrifty! LOVED your colourful kitchen so I'm not abit surprised.

    Although it was swell to land 2nd (thanks so much for your votes!), it came with very bittersweet feelings. Amy has long been a fav of mine and her ability deserved to score much higher.

    Those that achieve their very own style are generally ground breakers. Not everyone can keep up with someone busy breaking new ground and it can often be a lonely journey. Amy's style is rare and amazing. Amy, you're way ahead of the rest of us as far as I'm concerned. :)

    Thanks Stephanie for your neverending list of things to get done for the rest of us!


  9. BOOOO Im loosing my favorite blogs one by one! I love all the ideas Im getting from this competition, but 2 of my 3 favorites are gone already! :(

  10. This is amazing!! What a unique work of art!

  11. Wowzers! That door is awesome. So sorry that you have to leave!!

  12. I hate for anyone to have to go. I loved all the entries. Amy's post on her closet door was amazing and very sweet to boot. Thank you to all the participants for such wonderfully inspiring decor.

  13. Wow what a wonderful project. That door is awesome! Sorry to see you leave.

  14. Amy I said it on your blog too, I am sorry to see you leave the competition. I love your style and I always get so much inspiration from you. Ah well more time for your own blog again.

  15. GET OUT OF TOWN!! Amy? GONE? Unreal!! She is one of the best in Blogland....but, I understand not everyone can win all the time. Her door project is so awesome, I can't believe it. We'll ALL be spending more time on her blog..
    Looking forward to this next week of OLD. I know there will be some awesome projects that will just knock our sox off...!
    xo bj

  16. I love this contest and I commend you for putting it all together. You've done a great job. I want to start this off by saying that I think all of the contestants and projects they have done have been amazing.....BUT.....I think the voting would be more fair if the projects each week didn't have each contestants name/blog on them. That way, you know each challenge is being judged based on the actual work and not popularity. I'm just saying.....don't hate me for saying it please.

  17. I'm so sad to see Amy go. She is fabulous....I have loved all her projects and today's is not exception, it's great!!

  18. Amy I love your style and you are such an inspiration to me!! This door is amazing and such a creative idea...in love with this! Without a doubt one of my favorites! You are an amazing designer and always will be in my book! :)

    Hugs and love friend,

  19. I protest! Can I do that? Well, I am! Whisper Wood, no way!!! No one should be "kicked" off! EVER! (2 cents given!)

    I LOVE everyone so much! I was so dreamy about the colors in your kitchen and that love seat. Just so happy looking!

  20. Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!

  21. Thank you, everyone, for your kind words! It is indeed a bittersweet feeling. Decorating is a fun and creative hobby for me. I will continue to do what I do, and I will enjoy every minute of it. I look forward to rooting on my girls here as a SYTYCD participant.


  22. Oh, Amy, I just love what your did with that room!

  23. The pottery barn project Amy showed last week was extra special, because she broke it down and showed the "how to's" and had/has fabulous photography skills. I agree, that she is unique in her styling and ahead of many of us, thus in this case it maybe didn't serve her well, to be ahead of the times and a ground breaker.
    I have to agree too, that it would be more fair if it was done strictly on the projects vs. the popularity contest and who you know, but then part of the fun is getting to know the individuals in the contest, viewing their blogs for further details on their entries and such, so who knows what is best.
    Good luck to the rest of the contestants in the remaining contest. I've really enjoyed this blog project competition and am thankful for the gal that is sponsoring it. It's such an inspiration each week.

  24. Gorgeous! I think sliding doors like that are WAY underutilized! Looks fantastic!

  25. Amy, I LOVE LOVE LOVE This! I am totally sad!
