
Results for Week 6

Can you believe we are already almost on week 7?! My how time flies when you're having fun!

With another week... comes another winner!
This week with an overwhelming 498 votes it was Donna at Funky Junk Interiors with her crate stairs!

And the runner up with 259 votes... the girls at All Things Thrifty with their leaf stenciled wall

Good Job ladies!
Donna has won a beautiful cuff from T's etc

As my daughter would say.... "preeeeeeettyyyyyyyy" :)

T's Etc. makes everything from beautiful necklaces to cuffs, and even infant bracelets like the little pink one in the following picture

They look pricey right? WRONG! That beautiful middle necklace is only $35! and the infant bracelets... a mere $5!
Now mosey on over and get one! :)
Thank you T's Etc for sponsoring for week 6!

And now for my least favorite part.... we've gotta say goodbye to Wendy at the Shabby Nest this week. Wendy, you are amazingly talented and I've loved your blog right from it's beginning. Thank You so much for being apart of SYTYCD!
Here she is introducing to us next week's theme: Things from Home Improvement Stores
(paint, nuts/bolts, wood, metal, nails, etc etc)

I was lucky enough to find this dresser on the curb...in tact...and in pretty decent shape to boot. When I first got it home, I painted it black. It sat like this for some time before I decided I just didn't like the black.
So I decided to give my free little dresser a makeover. I painted it a lovely robin's egg blue and added one of my favorite details...numbers...to each drawer.

A little while later, I was lucky enough to happen upon another dresser on the curb. This dresser was in pretty sad shape, but it had a couple of drawers that looked pretty good, and the detailing was lovely, so I rescued the two drawers and brought them home.

I painted them with a single coat of white paint. I purposely didn't give the drawers more than one coat because I wanted them to look aged. I painted over the locks as well but then sanded them down to emphasize the pretty details.
Since the pulls on the drawers were a little worse for the wear, I added some fun ribbon in a brown polka dot.

With an open closet like this one, the storage has to not only be functional...it has to be attractive. Adding the sweet numbered dresser and the two rehabbed drawers, creates storage with personality befitting my fun boys' sock monkey bedroom. Thank heavens for found dressers!!

For more information on these projects, please join me at my blog, The Shabby Nest.

Once again... THANK YOU Wendy at the SHABBY NEST!
and see you all tomorrow for Week 7!


  1. I loved Donna's stairs!! Congrats girl!! And a fond farewell to Wendy. This is so sad to see each week one of them leaving. Wendy I loved your projects!!
    Thank you so much for hosting this!! It is so fun to see what they will come up with week after week!

  2. check out my numbered chest as well, drawers are almost full!

  3. Sorry to see Wendy go!

    You've got something there with the sock monkey room! I love seeing all the neat little things you do there.

    Love the drawers.
    Will be visiting your blog more.

  4. I just hate it when people have to go....Wendy you are AMAZING!!! You're on my mind a lot because I'm transforming my closet because of your mud room thanks to my friend Pat up there from Casual (dash) Cottage who told me about what you did!!!

    Congrats to Donna!!!

  5. I love the painted stairs! Those are one of my favorite things. Hopefully she will do a tutorial.

  6. Those have to be the coolest stairs I've ever seen in a home! Brilliant idea!
