
Q & A with Welcome to the Turner Farm

Time for another Q & A!
She is one industrious, AMAZING lady! Read on to see what I mean:

Q- Favorite material to use in decorating:
A-We have been in the construction mode for what now seems like forever that I am thrilled with all materials related to decorating. I am drawn to items that tell a story. Items that have been shared from generation to generation. Some of our rooms have been designed around a family item that we had been given. Norms side of the family, writes the history of the piece and attaches it, I cherish those pieces!

Q- Describe your style in 3 words or less:
A- Farmhouse Chic
Q- Tell us, what brings you to blog land?
A-I spent hours in my teens and early twenties reading the diaries, cookbooks, stories of yesteryear farmers. I was so intrigued. I had big plans to journal our daily adventures building the farm. Our first year or so here was so difficult that we were literally in survival mode. Looking back it seems surreal. We moved from a beautiful home to a camper in the middle of 128 acres! WHAT?!?
 In January of this year, I picked up the dvd, Julie and Julia. That movie spoke to me on so many levels I can not begin to explain. The cooking, JULIA, the cooking, and the concept of blogging.

Various friends mentioned that they had a blog. I never paid much attention, until I saw this movie. I started Welcome to the Turner Farm as a way to share our daily adventures around the farm. THERE HAVE BEEN MANY!

Q-Do you have a favorite room in the house?
A-My Kitchen. It is me through and through. It was designed and constructed around my stove. Seriously! My stove was purchased and delivered the same week we poured the slab for the kitchen wing. Norm and I got the framing for the walls up and my stove was delivered. A pitman truck, air lifted it over the walls and into the middle of the kitchen floor. Building Advise: Don't try this at home. It is no fun to build an entire wing of your house around a 7ft crate.

When designing the kitchen I wanted to capture some of the features I love so much from our family farmhouse and clubhouse. I loved the big windows in my moms kitchen. I love the field stones used to construct the clubhouse.

 I have 9 large windows in my kitchen and I designed the area behind the stove to reflect my love of the field stone. My daughters made me the sign that hangs in the kitchen. It represents so much!

Our son-in-law found a board that his granddad had written a date on, it happened to be the same year I was born. They spent 2 months working on painting it and distressing it. It touches my heart, more than I can say.

Q-You are a__________by day and a ___________ by night

A-I am a Chef by day. I work for a Maine Winery and Brewery. I teach cooking classes on how to pair wine or ale with the meals we prepare.

 I also cook for any special events; weddings, anniversaries, birthday parties, etc. that are held at the winery.

It can not get any better than having a job where you teach people to cook great food and how to pair their meal with great wine, always a good time! The other reason I started my blog. They want me to blog for the winery, I needed to know what I was doing first. Coming soon, Pairings, the blog of fine food and good wines.

Two of my sisters, myself, along with our husbands have recently purchased our parents homestead and golf course. When I'm not at the winery or on the farm working, you'll find me there. Carrying on the legacy that many generations of Reynolds have created.
I am also a wife, mom, builder, gardener, junker and now blogger. As I always say to my cooking students; Use a recipe as a guideline, make it your own, have fun and enjoy! So true with junk! Always have fun with it and make it your own..........
Isn't she amazing?!
THANK YOU THANK YOU Laurie for being apart of SYTYCD!
Be sure to follow this lovely ladies blog so you don't miss out on anything!
This post was sponsored by:
Who also happens to be Lauries sister!
This lovely lady's daughter (who is a young mother) is a cancer survivor! You can see a picture of her daughter HERE. She is also a participant in the Happiness Project.....Go read about it HERE. You are sure to be inspired by this amazing woman's ability to transform her trials into blessings.


  1. Good to get to know Laurie and about her life. She is one busy lady!! Love the photos depicting parts of her journey.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Wonderful interview! Laurie has been one of the most giving and supporting contestants. I truly will miss her presense in this thing.

    I'll be watching you Laurie! Your house is amazing.


  3. Great interview! Thanks, Laurie for sharing your home and talent with us.

  4. what a wonderful full like she has !! made me a bit tired just to read it all, but it sounds fabulous !
