
Season Finale Results Show

Thank you viewers for making So You Think You Can Decorate so successful! What a season!!

And THANK YOU ladies for participating!!

and now for the BIG REVEAL!!!

The winner with 851 votes is.....


(But if you ask me they are BOTH winners! )

We have some fun stuff in store for Season 2 and some big changes in mind so make sure you stay tuned so you don't miss any of the excitement!


  1. Congratulations Trixie!

    I enjoyed watching this whole thing play out. I know everybody had so much fun... and I was able to see so much talent being displayed each and every week.

    congratulations to everyone that was able to participate in this challenge.

    Y'all did a fantastic job of keeping us entertained.
    So much fun!

  2. Oh yeah, Doest the winner get a special button to display on their blog... instead of saying I'm a contestant...
    doesn't it get to say... I'm the first ever to win...SYTYCD..
    Wear it proud!

  3. I totally agree. To reach this far in this very long and difficult contest, constantly testing skill, speed and determination... they both deserve gold.

    Well done to both of you gals! :)


  4. Congratulations to Flea Market Trixie! This was a wonderful series and I really appreciate you putting it together for all of us. I for one have looked forward to Sunday nights for weeks!
    Can't wait til the next one starts!

  5. Thank you so much for hosting this fabulous contest. I personally know Amy at Whisperwood Cottage and all of the JunkFest gals and got to know Donna at Funky Junk and Flea Market Trixie through your contest. So enjoyable to be able to be a part of such a well put together contest and to be able to participate and vote each week, was really fun.
    Thanks again for your countless hours of creating the idea and seeing it through. Awesome~

  6. Congratulations!!

  7. This has been so fun!! Will we ever get to see the Q&A's with Flea Market Trixie & All Things Thrifty?? I loved reading about them!

  8. This was a great time! Everyone is really gifted and taught me a lot about myself and my own creative abilities. For one, I hardly use them. However, they've stirred that spirit inside and now I'm moving toward "jumping out of the box"!!!

    Thank you for putting this together! Congratulations to ALL the winners!!!
