

sidenote: Thanks everyone who spotted the typo and corrected me  :) Me thinks I need to not do these posts at the crack of dawn when I'm not all the way awake ;)

Another week... another results blogisode!
This week the winner was All Things Thrifty with their Headboard!

And the runner up..... Miss Mustard Seed with her French Curtains!

Congratulations gals!!

All Things Thrifty has won a prize from
This lovely lady crochets caps for babies, kids & adults! She also crochets beautiful and unique flower necklaces and clips!!

Jealous? Don't be!
Just mosey on over to her shop at get one yourself!!
Blooming Button for sponsoring this week!!
Here's one more for eye candy :)

And now for the sad part.....
This week we are saying goodbye to Laurie at Welcome to the Turner Farm. This lady has become a dear friend to me so I'm heartbroken to see her go :( But at least we can still find her over at her BLOG!!!
For now... here she is introducing us to tomorrow's theme: PAINT

After much needed rain that lasted for days, the sun is out. Spring feels like it has arrived.  Although, living in Maine,
I know all too well that we could still get a foot of snow 
any day from now until May. It is hard not to rush Spring.

All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Bedroom Ten
I saw these signs at PB and knew I must have them.
They will look good with my collection of garden hats.
#1. I would not spend the money to purchase them from PB. 
#2. I like authentic weathered signs. The ones aged by
the elements. I know I can sand them and get the aged look
now. I just really like the weathered tattered ones so much
#3. Our master bedroom has not been constructed yet. Maybe,
by fall.


Scrap Wood, White Wash, Black Paint and Patience.

First, I went on a scouting trip around the farm to
see what scraps I could find.  I'm not sure about anyone else, but sometimes, NO, a lot of time, I will start a project with
an idea in mind.  Then as I'm searching for the materials,
something will present itself and my project becomes something
all together different.  

This pallet and my fondness of authentic weathered signs,
changed the course of this project.

Did I tell you that I LOVE TO GARDEN
We spend many hours in the garden.  The building
where the garden tools are stored is a good 
distance from the gardens.  


My solution to authentic weathered signs for our
master bedroom (once completed), a garden tool organizer
close to the gardens, and not spending a penny while accomplishing the above?


Yes, it was done free hand.  I like signs 
that don't look manufactured.  The words were
placed so once fall arrives and the elements have 
had time to do its work, I can remove and cut the
boards to make individual signs.

The spacing between the front and back of
the pallet creates a perfect spot for rakes,
shovels, hoes, and so much more.


Now I have a place to keep me organized while I work
and I will be rewarded with the fruits of my labor at 

Garden bounty and wonderfully weathered signs.

I got so excited about the possibilities of what these
signs will look like by harvest time, I found 5 more pallets! 
I am working on a list of everything we plant in the garden.
I will be posting updated photos and a tutorial on

Now, where'd I store those garden hats?

THANK YOU Laurie for being apart of SYTYCD!!!
We sure are gonna miss you and that positive ray of sunshine that you bring to the table!
 Be sure to follow her blog so that you don't miss any of her decorating OR cooking posts!! (that's right... this ladie's a chef!)
See you tomorrow night for Week 6- PAINT!


  1. Wow Laurie! What a great project! It looks fabulous.

    We will miss you!

  2. Congrats to the winners....and sorry to see Laurie leave. But I will check out her blog.
    Those weathered signs are going to be awesome.

  3. Oh jeeze.. crotches? Girl grab the coffee. me thinks you need more! I'm sorry, and I cannot stop laughing. So thanks for that. : )

  4. ooops... and congrats to AllThingsThrifty!

  5. I love this. I'm off to find a pallet. Happy gardening! Jan

  6. I love Laurie and am so sad to see her go, BUT, I am thrilled to be able to follow her on her blog.

  7. That is awesome! Love that project!!!
