
Q & A with Shabby Nest

Q & A with Wendy at the Shabby Nest

Q-What is your favorite room in your house?
A-Usually my favorite room is whatever room I happen to be working on at the moment. But I currently have three rooms "under construction". So I am going to go with a mostly finished room that simply brings a smile to my face every time I walk in it. And that room is my Master Bedroom. I am just in love with the color gray right now, and the soothing dove gray and white combination in my Master has truly created a retreat for me after a busy day!

Q-Describe your style in 3 words or less.
A-Wow. This is a hard one for me. I've heard my style called Urban Farmhouse...I like that...but I would add that it is Urban Farmhouse with a vintage twist. Okay, I know that's more than 3 words, but I have never been known for being concise. ;-) You'll still print this, right? :-)

Q- Your work has been featured in magazines. Can you tell us which ones and what was submitted? What was that experience like for you?

A- My mini-mudroom was featured in both BHG's Creative Home and 100 Decorating Ideas Under 100 Dollars. It has been featured a few times online at Ohdeedoh as well. I actually submitted the space to Creative Home and was contacted by them saying that they wanted to do a feature on it. Then Meredith Corporation (the publisher of both magazines) contacted me and asked if they could feature it in 100 Decorating Ideas as well.

The experience has been fabulous! My little mudroom has taken on a life of its own and really made the rounds on the web. It is BY FAR my most popular project to date. It is so exciting to get emails from people who have been inspired to create mini mudrooms of their own! I just love inspiring people!

Q- What has been your favorite project you have ever created?
A- My favorite project to date is probably a toss up between the mini-mudroom and our laundry/half bath in our previous house. They both really reflected my personality and it was a blast to create lovely spaces from scratch.

Q- By day you are a _______________by night you are a________________

A- By day I am a full-time mom and part-time editorial assistant by night I am a blogger and designer (and insomniac...how else can I get it all done?) ;-)
Thanks for letting me be a part of this awesome competition....I've had a blast!

Thank you sooo much Wendy for being apart of SYTYCD! You are so creative and talented and I am honored that we got to have you on!

Be sure to check out her blog for TONS and TONS of more ideas and follow so you don't miss any of anything!


  1. What fabulous makeovers!! And nice to meet Wendy!
    Well done!!

  2. I love Wendy's style so very much. Clean and classy!

  3. Wendy is already one of my blogging favs, love her style! Thanks for the interview :0)
