
Q & A with Junk-Fest

Time for another Q&A!
Junk-Fest Gals.... take it over! 

Q- How did you 4 meet?

Living in a small community, everyone just kind of "knows" everyone else, but it wasn't until Cassie and Missy tried the "antique shop" venue while Lynette and Andrea were trying the "flea market" venue that we discovered our common love of junk!  We were all having a blast hunting, creating and selling.  Who could ask for anything more!?

Then the antique store closed.  The flea market was too far away.  Hmmm what to do?!  That's when the lightbulb went off!!  We joined forces, and started an annual JunkFest, bringing a one of a kind sale to our area. It all started in Cassie’s garage.  We couldn’t believe a crowd even lined up for the opening! After the first year we found a larger easy access space at our local fairgrounds.

Q- What's your best "junk" find ever?

We’ve had so much fun junk hunting together and have found too many awesome things to pick a favorite.  You know…junk finds are kinda like secrets, you'll have to come to the next sale to see!  Some of our past faves are a 18 drawer galvanized pheasant hatching rack, an upright piano which became a “piano bar”  A workbench that became a kitchen work island, and dressers that became wine buffets!  Look at our past sale posts for more…we love it all!  And we often have “seller’s remorse”. 

Q- What is your most popular post?

I think our most popular post is yet to come!  Our blog is just for fun, and for connecting with others who love junk.  We post about everything from junking jaunts to just everyday news.  SYTYCD has been so fun and such an inspiration for us that some of most recent posts are truly our favorites.  We thank you, Stephanie, for giving us the opportunity to participate.  And we sincerely thank the viewers and voters for taking the time to check out the fabulous projects every week.  Heck...we even thank the academy!!  Maybe our best post will be the one we do after our next junking trip to Art and Architecture with Junk Market Style .  No sane junker will want to miss it!

Q- Where can your junking treasures be purchased?

We have an annual sale which we've named JunkFest.  At it you'll find a festival atmosphere with food, music, laughter and friends.  We also host a flea market in conjunction with our sale, so you can find anything from soup to nuts on sale day!!  Our next event will be held Saturday September 11, 2010, at the Foster County Fairgrounds in Carrington, ND, from 9:00am - 3:00pm.  We have some exciting new things in the planning for this year!!  (believe me...you don't want to be late...the action happens in the morning!)  You can find info on our sale and read more about us and our projects at our blog:  http://www.junk-fest.blogspot.com

Q- By day you are a ____________ by night you are a _______________

By Day:  Lab Technician  
By Night:  Mom, friend, junker, blogger nightowl
By Day: Loan Processor  
By Night:  Mom, junker, scrapbooker
By Day:  Chauffer, cook, blogger, volunteer, domestic goddess  
By Night:  tired!
By Day:  Mail Carrier  
By Night:  renovation extraordinaire  

Thank you Junk-Fest for being apart of SYTYCD! Be sure to follow their blog regularly! These ladies are plumb FULL of junky-goodness!!



  1. Wow!! Looks so great! I wanna go too! But so far away?! Fabulous idea though...I love it!

  2. Ok Junk Fest - well love it, I want to go, where in the heck is this, magical land... I love this blog if such facinating decorators, i clicked here thinking it would be easy to vote , but heck no mama joe.. Not at all I love them all..
    Great Blog- I love the inspiration- i will follow your blog with out a doubt...

  3. Talk about a fun time! Now if we still lived in the upper midwest a drive to Carrington would be no big deal!! (Yep I actually even know where Carrington is!! We drove through Fargo this summer on our move from Alaska to Indiana, only a couple hours away from you all.) Can't wait to see what all you have up your sleeves!!
