
Meet Amy!

Every Wednesday for the next 10 weeks you'll be meeting your contestants with a little one-on-one.
This week, we're meetin' up with Amy at Whisper Wood Cottage!
Amy, meet viewers
Viewers, meet Amy!

Q-What's your favorite room in your house?
A-I would have to say the master bedroom. Through our recent renovation of that room, we were able to create a space that I find to be so welcoming and soothing. It is my favorite space because it reflects my true style. It was not something that happened overnight either. It took 3 years of living in the space as it was, gathering inspiration, finding the right pieces, and having everything come together at the right time.

Q- Do you have a current favorite item/piece?
A- Over the years, I have been working toward creating a home that includes all special pieces. Our goal is to be surrounded by things we love and let go of all the rest. I will say that I do have some pieces that are extra special to me...

the Amish harvest table in the dining room (I love the history and character.)

the canopy bed in my master bedroom (I sleep like a princess.)

the Greyhound sign in the master bedroom (I fell in love with it the instant I saw it.)

the lighting my hubby creates from engine parts (He lights up my life!)

Q- Describe your style in 3 words or less.
A- Traditional. Industrial. Cottage.
Q- By day you are a______ by night you are a ________?
A- By day I am a health educator, and by night I am a junker, blogger, antique store vendor (junkologie.com), decorator, DIYer, blogger, graphic designer, and photographer.

Q- What's your dream job?
A- I love the job I have. As a health educator, I get to work in a field that promotes healthy bodies, minds, and spirits. I love the challenge of being creative and constantly learning new things, so my career (and my hobbies) fit perfectly with that.

Q- Favorite Color?
A- I love whites and earth tones the most. They are so calming and create a fabulous foundation for any punches of color I want to add.

Q- Favorite food?
A- My absolute favorite food is actually a beverage...water. Weird, I know, but I love it. I don't drink coffee, soda, or milk. I do adore fresh lemonade and limeade though. If I had to pick an actual food, I love a good pizza now and then! Oh, and I am conducting a global search for the world's best sesame chicken. So far, the hands-down winner is T. Jin's China Diner in College Station, TX. But the search continues!

Q- Something unique about you
A- I just signed up to run my first half-marathon this summer. Since I've been a huge slacker on my fitness the past several months, I'm slowly picking back up on being active every day with a range of various strength and cardio activities. Wish me luck!

Isn't she wonderful?! If you haven't checked out her blog yet you are truly missing out!
And because I love giving my 2 cents, here's why I heart Amy and her cottage:
1- She has a real "eye" for junk!
2- Her blog title. I know... silly right? but seriously..... it's charming and yet "deep". To quote Amy, "Life whispers, listen carefully." Think about it.
3- She patiently waits for the "perfect" item/furniture/piece rather than just filling in the blanks just because. (and then blogs about it!)
4- Her house is truly unique. Click here to Go check out her home tour!
5- She's witty, funny, and charming. If you follow her blog, or visit often enough you know what I mean :)
AND she's a health nut just like ME! {only she gets paid to teach about it and I don't. Count yourself lucky to have not heard my anti dairy speech ;) }

To read more about Amy CLICK HERE!
Thank You Amy for being apart of So You Think You Can Decorate!!!


  1. I had the honor of meeting Amy last fall while on a junking jaunt in Mpls. A true honest to goodness sweetheart!!


  2. What a delight! I so enjoyed this interview! And I did take the tour and wowzers!! What a fabulous house! Every room tells a wonderful story. I would love to visit in person!

  3. Stephanie, Thank you for introducing us to Amy.
    Amy, I enjoyed learning more about you. I love your style with both your blog and your home. Yes, you do sleep like a princess. Beautiful!

  4. Amy is very talented and has a great "junking" eye!

    Is the 10 week schedule going to be posted so we know what's coming up?

  5. Steph,
    Great interview. I really will enjoy "meeting" all of the decorators.
    smiles, alice

  6. I'm proud to say that Amy has become a personal friend of mine over the past year through our common love of blogging, junking, we're both Junk Market Style contributors, flea markets, special events and social gatherings at Occasional Sale shopping ventures and I love her dearly. She's absolutely a top notch gal in every way. She's funny, creative, and as you've had a chance to see very, very talented. Good luck Amy!

  7. HEY AMY, i wish you good luck in the compettion and i love your style!

  8. Okay, I am blushing with all the wonderful comments! You girls know how to make a friend smile!! I appreciate each and every one of you!!


  9. I found Whisper Wood Cottage a few months ago and just love it. Her pieces are so very unique. A joy to read. I'm looking forward to meeting all of the contestants!

  10. Great read! It was wonderful to get to know you even better, Amy! And ohhhh those Amy Pictures. Nice. :)

    Love the question format, Stephanie!


  11. Amy is one of the dearest people in my little world and I consider myself lucky to not only have "met" her through blogging, but through junking met her face to face. I adore her style and wit. If she ever does get tired of her day job, she most certainly could be a photographer. She has such an eye for composition which is reflected in her home. If I'm gushing I apologize...I just love her to pieces! Now if I could only talk them into moving to Texas!
    P.S. Thank you for selecting her to be one of the designers in this fabulous contest!

  12. Love amys home! Stunning.. Amazing contest! I didn't even know about this..so glad I found it..how exciting for her. Congrats! lulu

  13. Nice to meet you Amy. You have a lovely home. I adore your greyhound sign!
