
1 More Day!!

Can you believe the competition begins tomorrow?!

I have a couple of announcements to make to help usher in the party

I'm accepting auditions for Season 2 which will begin in May. For more information on auditioning click HERE.

I have some advertising spots available if any of you are interested. I have 3 available spots. The sidebar, above the header, and a "this post was brought to you by" ad spot. Prices are very low and if you sign on now you will get a locked in discount for all subsequent seasons no matter how much the prices increase. A sort of  "been with us since the beginning" appreciation deal.
For more information EMAIL ME at alchemyjunk [AT] gmail

And lastly.... (and most importantly)
I have an announcement as far as how the actual competition will work.
If we were to eliminate 1 contestant every week, that would mean that we would only have 1 left on week 10 which would essentially become the "announcement" week and we would therefore not have 10 projects, in 10 weeks.
In order to solve this I have created a "Wild Card" where one week no one will go home.
I had random.org pick a number between 1-8 (cuz the last weeks need to be set up for a showdown). The week that was picked will be the "Wild Card" week. Neither you nor the contestants know what week this is. It will be a suprise to all!
This way we will have 10 projects/themes, in 10 weeks, with 10 contestants, as promised. Week #11 will be audition week, and week #12 will be the announcement of the winners from the auditions and where you will meet your next 10 contestants. Week #13 we break and then week #14 becomes a brand new week #1!
Ok... so now that we have that all squared away..... we wait for tomorrow to roll around so the fun can finally begin :)
See you tomorrow night!


  1. So excited!! Can't wait for tomorrow...woohoo!

  2. Lookin' forward to it!


  3. This is so much fun--I am excited to see the entries! You are so organized with all of this--very impressive!

  4. This was such a great idea. I am really looking forward to the competition. You chose the contestants well and you have me waiting on pins and needles for the debut.

  5. How exciting!!! Good luck!

  6. Anonymous2/28/2010

    I'm looking forward to this and seeing new ideas. I need help! :) I have you all set in my google reader.

  7. Waiting patiently...or not so patiently!
